Eurasier Standard

In the United States, the Eurasier does not yet have an American Kennel Club (AKC) approved written standard. As such, when showing under AKC, the FΓ©dΓ©ration Cynologique Internationale (FCI) written standard is used, and it is the standard we follow with respect to breeding and showing. The FCI standard is maintained and modified by the German breed clubs of origin.

General Appearance

Balanced, well-constructed medium sized dog of Spitz type with prick ears and coat in varied colours.

Length of coat should be such as still to reveal the body proportions.

With medium bone.

Important Proportions

Length of body slightly longer than height at withers. The ratio of length of muzzle and length of cranial region is almost equal.

Behavior / Temperament

Self-assured, calm, even-tempered with high resistance against any provocation. Watchful and alert without being noisy. Very strongly developed link to his family. Relaxed towards strangers and not obtrusive.

For the full development of these qualities, the Eurasian needs constant close domestic contact with his family and understanding, yet consistent training.


Balanced skull, neither too broad nor too narrow. Shape of head seen from above and in profile, wedge-shaped. Bridge of nose and skull run parallel.

Cranial Region

Skull: Flat forehead, frontal furrow and occiput well defined.

Stop: Barely defined.

Facial Region

Nose: Medium size. Black pigmentation.

Muzzle: Balanced, neither too coarse nor too pointed, tapering towards the nose; straight bridge of nose and straight mandibles.

Lips: Edges of lips tight with black pigmentation.

Jaws/Teeth: Strong; broad in lower jaw. Strong complete set of teeth (42 teeth conforming to usual tooth formation). Bite either scissor or pincer. Upper incisors either fit closely over lower incisors or they meet. Premolars and molars set in one line without gaps. All teeth must be in vertical position to jaw.

Cheeks: Hardly pronounced.


Dark, medium size, not too deep set nor protruding. Lid aperture slightly slanting. Eye-rims with black pigmentation and tight fitting.


Set apart by about the width of the base of an ear, pricked, medium size and triangular. Tips slightly rounded. Tips of ears and centre of stop should form a nearly equilateral triangle.


Of medium length, in balance with general appearance, flowing transition to body; well-muscled; tight fitting skin on throat.


General appearance: Strong, not too short in body.

Withers: Pronounced.

Back: Firm and straight. Very well-muscled.

Loin: Of good length and width, very well-muscled.

Croup: Almost straight line. Broad and strong

Chest: Reaching to the elbows with oval shaped ribcage. Forechest well developed without being pronounced. Sternum long, reaching far back.

Underline and belly: Slight tuck up; flanks slightly drawn in.


Set on high, round and firm, of good thickness, tapering towards the tip; reaching the hocks, covered with bushy hair; carried lying forward over back or bent slightly sideways or rolled up.



General appearance: Seen from front, positioned straight and parallel; seen from the side, well angulated; upper arm and forearm of almost equal length.

Shoulders: Well-muscled. Lying slightly slanted.

Upper arm: Medium length, well-muscled.

Elbows: Close to chest.

Forearm: Medium length, well-muscled.

Pastern: Medium length, strong, quite straight seen from front, seen from side, inclined slightly forward.

Forefeet: Oval; tight, moderately arched toes; strong nails with dark pigmented toenails; firm, well cushioned, black pigmented pads; thick hair between pads.


General appearance: Seen from behind, positioned straight and parallel, seen from the side well angulated. Upper and lower thighs are of almost equal length.

Pelvis: Slightly slanting.

Upper thigh: Medium length with strong muscle.

Stifle: Solid, angle not too open.

Lower thigh: Medium length, well-muscled.

Hock joint: Not set too low, turning neither in nor out, stable, not pushing forward.

Hock (Metatarsus): Good length and breadth, vertical when seen from side.

Hind feet: Oval; tight, moderately arched toes. Strong nails with dark pigmentation. Firm, well cushioned pads. Thick hair between pads.


Ground covering and harmonious with plenty of drive and good forward stride. Firm back while on the move and of good balance; fore and hindquarters moving straight, moving closer at increased speed.

Preferred speed: Trot.


Tight, pigmented.


Hair: All over the body thick undercoat and medium long, straight, loosely lying guard hair; short coat on muzzle, face, ears and front of the limbs; the tail, the back of front legs (feathers) and hind legs (breeches) are covered with longer guard hair on neck only moderately longer than on body, not forming a mane.

Colour: All colours and colour combinations are permitted with the exception of pure white, piebald.

Size and Weight

Height at withers:
Males: 52-60 cm (20.5-24 in, approx.)
Females: 48-56 cm (19-22 in, approx.)

Males: 22-30 kg (48.5-66 lb, approx.)
Females: 18-26 kg (39.7-57.3 lb, approx.)

The balance of the proportions is most important but the ideals to aim for are medium height and weight.

Height & weight:
Males: 56 cm/26 kg,
Females: 52 cm/22 kg


Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.

Severe Faults

  • Lack of pigmentation.

  • Strongly domed forehead, strongly domed skull.

  • Straight hindquarters.

  • Very weak carpal joints.

  • Sway back and carp back.

  • Absence of three or four P2.

  • Absence of one or more P1 and at the same time absence of two or more P2.

  • Tail visibly open and not lying over back.

  • Short tail.

  • Lack of sexual dimorphism.

Disqualifying Faults

  • Aggressive or overly shy dogs.

  • Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities.

  • Absence of a single or several incisors or canines.

  • Absence of a single or several premolars 3 or 4.

  • Absence of a single or several molars 1 or 2. Anomalies in the bite.

  • Ectropion, entropion, eyes set too deep or eyes too small.

  • Semi-pricked ears, pendulous ears.

  • Kinked tail.

  • Tarsal joints knuckling over.

  • Pied colouring.

  • Pure white.